He Promised To Marry Me, But now giving excuse that I used him for Ritu*l, this Marriage must hold -Sorrowful Lady shares.
Please keep me anonymous(picture not thesame as the story sharer), my boyfriend thinks I used him for r*tual.
After he promised to marry me, I became pregnant, and he asked me to terminate it, which I did.
I then told him I wouldn’t have sex without protection, and he agreed.
Surprisingly, my boyfriend had kept condoms in both our rooms for easy access. But, anytime he wanted to have unprotected s*x without my consent, I resisted.
Two weeks ago, I couldn’t resist him, and so we had s*x using a condom. The amazing thing was that my boyfriend left after that, only to return 30 minutes later, to ask me where the used condom was. I told him I flushed it down the toilet, which made him to rush over to the toilet to find any trace of it.
For two weeks now, I tried talking to my boyfriend but he has been giving me attitude, and even stopped staying at home. I tried calling him for those weeks but he rejected my calls.
This morning, I came over to find him home and when I asked him about his sudden attitude few weeks back, he accused me of possibly using the used condom for sinister purposes, like a ritual, and blamed me for his financial struggles. Imagine the thoughts coming from this u$eless guy.
Now, he told he’s breaking up with me because I’m the cause of his family problems. Imagine what this self centered guy is saying after using me.
Wallahi, I will not leave him, especially now that I’m carrying his baby.
I think you let him go