My Uncle used me and destr*yed my w*mb, yet no one believes me – lady shares touching story

See her story:

It all started the day I went to his office, for assistance with a difficult topic.

I had nothing to fear, because he promised dad he’ll ensure I do well in school.

What more can I be happy for, than having an uncle who was also my lecturer?

Everyone knew me as the top student in class, but no one knew all I’ve been going through.

My Uncle has been having s*x with me, and had forewarned on the dangers of me talking about it to anyone.

He always provided money for pills, to abort every pregnancy, and conceal the news from anyone.

I tried to talk to mom, but she told me to keep quiet about it, since he always sent her monthly allowance.

Daddy had always tried to make us happy, but the only default he had was providing frequent upkeep to mom.

So, mom felt Uncle was a savior, and told me to keep quiet about it, since he never relented in providing money for her upkeep

I was broken, and shattered, My final year first semester results came out recently and I was heartbroken to see I was withdrawn

How? I started running mad

The university found out the manipulation of results ongoing in the department and took extreme measures.


To worsen it, I went for medical check up, only to realize the last abortion I did had terminated my womb


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