Foreign Doctor Gives Reasons where Ab*rtion can be necessary – Read

Eugene Gu, MD

Dr Eugene Gu, Surgeon-scientist specialist in saving the lives of infants with congenital heart and kidney diseases. Subpoenaed but not silenced by Congress who as also Sued Donald Trump and won has this as a reply to Trump on abortion.
 See his words:

No responsible doctor anywhere in the United States would terminate a healthy fetus that can be safely delivered and survive on it’s own outside the mother’s womb. In most cases, this is when a fetus weighs more than 500 grams and is older than 24 weeks of gestation.

Trump and the Republicans are trying to confuse the American people about the concept of fetal viability. There are fatal diseases like bilalteral renal agesis, where a fetus has no kidneys, and anencephaly, where the fetus has no brain, which are totally incompatible with life.

If a fetus has a totally fatal disease like bilateral renal agenesis or anencephaly, it will not survive whether it is 25 weeks, 35 weeks, 40 weeks, or even after delivery. Forcing mothers to carry these babies to term no matter what is psychologically traumatizing and cruel.

There are also cases where the mother’s life is in severe jeopardy. If she has dangerously high blood pressures called pre-eclampsia, she  could have seizures and end-organ damage resulting in her death. These situations may call for a therapeutic abortion to save her life.

And what happens when a mother with pre-eclampsia comes in with a fetus that is 25 weeks old but weighs only 200 grams because her high pressures stunted its growth. There’s  no chance that fetus would survive outside the mother on its own even if it is 25 weeks old.


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