Nigerian Shares Story of How he Was Delivered From Masturb*tion and Porn
See His Story below:
I started masturbation when I was about 14 years old after being exposed to porn materials, I derived a lot of pleasure in it because of the ability to explore what I’ve seen in the pictures by myself alone. I graduated from occasional masturbation to everyday sometimes several hours a day. Eventually few years after when I was in the university I met a friend who introduced me to Jesus Christ, I got born again and was saved, the urge to masturbate also stopped for a while but after some years due to what I would call “testing times” and lack of clarity as to what I was passing through as a believer, my faith watered down and I went back to masturbation. It started once a week after which I will feel the guilt, confess the sin and will feel better to gradual daily occurrence.
This persisted for a number of years until I thought I met a lady that I love but which was in fact infatuation. we indulge in sex a number of times but the urge to watch porn and masturbate still persisted. I broke up with this lady and met another lady who eventually I got married to, all along I still assume myself to be a Christian and was Infact a leader at a church I was attending. I began to accept masturbation or porn as an habit instead of accepting it as sin. then I started noticing how I began drift further into extremely weird form of porn and that was when I knew that it is actually demonic, the devil had totally taken control of my mind such that even in the public I may excuse myself into the toilet and masturbate, the extreme weird form of porn I indulged in may not be too suitable to write about in this forum so I began to pray and fast because I know the devil was at this point taking me into uncharted territory, it was difficult because after the fasting and prayer months after that the urge to masturbate and watch porn will resume again and I was unstoppable at this point.
God is a loving God who desire to deliver me and how did it happened? God began to chastened me in my career, I began to experience stagnation and frustration to the extent that for over 10 years I remained at a position with no promotion, I began to experience humiliation at work because even newer and younger staff were appointed managers over me and despite my qualifications (MBA from one of the top uni in the UK) I could not secure another job, because of my impressive resume I get called up for interviews but at the end I usually failed to get offered the job. Eventually I began to seek the face of God for my career NOT my spiritual condition and God began to reveal to me my spiritual situation that needed to be dealt with first. I rededicated my life to God and submit to Him and gradually God began to heal me and as at today I can testify that close to a year now I’ve not masturbated or watch porn or lusted after a woman.
Psalm 119 vs 71 says that “it is good for me that I have been afflicted that I may learn your statues”. God used painful affliction of career stagnation Of over 10 years to deliver me and set me free from masturbation and porn and several habitual sins and has restored me into fellowship with Him. If you’re reading this today and you’re still indulging in habitual sin and refuses to stop, try and picture yourself stagnated in a low paying job for over 10 years living a life of defeat and financially broken and being unable to make a change. God is still God don’t wait for His chastening before you make a change know that chastening can be very painful. Make a change today and rededicate your life to Him and He will change you.