Unveiling the Underutilized means of Transportation in Lagos State
Transportation and movement has been a major concern in Lagos for years now and many administration have sort to invest in it but to no avail yet we await one that will heavily invest in our water/rail transportation it being the surest and fastest for now in Lagos.
Several Administrations have made promises as to how to make movement in Lagos state easier with regards to the traffic and time to arrive at short distance destinations. Tourist and Visitors from other states in Nigeria and other countries have expressed their fear of living in Lagos as they wouldn’t like to spend their whole day in traffic or half of their lives on the road. Residents are likewise complaining and wishing there would be a remedy soonest.
Recommendations have come in from experts and professionals who have analysed the problem in Lagos roads and attribute it to population increase, increase in vehicles and national migrations. The Bulk of the traffic issue we have in Lagos state is experienced on working days and this is evident to the fact that everyman has to get something doing and so warrant them moving out in large numbers from different homes and thereby congesting the small roads available. No doubt Lagos is the city of industry and place of opportunities in Nigeria thereby attracting migrants from other states in Nigeria.
After considering the menace caused by road traffic in Lagos one would expect a government to begin looking in another direction other than road. The water is one while the railway is another. Realistically, the water is surest and much faster for those working on the Island but quite scary for first timers yet it is believed that if measures are put in place to make it safer and comfortable more Lagosians would decongest the road and use the waterways instead.