I Recommended BBL Surgery For a Friend And Now She Cannot Walk Again, What Do I Do?-Lady shares .


I have done a very awful thing and I don’t know how it all went down like this . I think I might have just ruined my friend’s life .

Just because of physical appearance, this is so heartbreaking. So, my friend ( I would not want to mention her name ) but let’s call her gloria was recently dumped by her boyfriend.

Under the excuse that she was too skinny and I was there for her throughout the period she broke up with her boyfriend. It was really devastating for her and it was like she slipped into a mini depression.

I felt really bad for her so I suggested that we make a comeback, one that would make her ex boyfriend beg her to come back to him , I suggested a body transformation and initially we started using multi vitamin supplements so that she could be chubby but it only made her eat but not gain weight.

So I had been seeing this plastic surgeon on social media and I have been seeing reviews and even some of my friends had gotten something done by her . Then I recommended her to my friend.

She travelled to meet her and they did all the necessities before the surgery date , the surgery was a success but after like a month after the surgery the pain came back and intensified and she could not even walk again.

I am really panicking right now .

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