I Married a Psychopath Who Controls Even The Way I Walk!!!- Anonymous Person shares
This person shared their true life story about how their spouse was controlling, this is their story.
I am 35 female and I have been married for almost a decade now . Sometimes I think that I have gotten myself into something that is not so great.
When I married my husband 45 male , he was the most charming and loving person out there and I knew for a fact that he loved me wholeheartedly.
He was always there for me, especially during my first pregnancy . He loved , cared and nurtured for me and I felt like the luckiest woman alive .
He started showing his true colours right after I gave birth. I thought it was the stress of parenting but sooner than later , I realised that this was actually how he was .
He would complain about the slightest thing that I did . He was always correcting me , claiming that I could not do anything. It was like he was a whole different person entirely. He even controlled the way I walked , sat and even ate .
It became suffocating years ago but I thought I could bare and at least try and live with it but unfortunately I really can’t , I need to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible .!!
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