True Life Story

I am Attracted to Men Who have Many Wives… Confused lady shares.

This lady shares her story about how she is attracted to men with four wives . This is her story.

Please keep me anonymous

I know a lot of people will think that I am out of my mind but this is just how I feel .

This feeling started when I was in secondary school , ever since then I really hated the idea of being married to a man that has just one wife .

I just felt like I would fit in better in household with a man that had 3 wives and I was the fourth , this is because it would make his attention to be less on my . I never really fancied the idea of getting married .

But I knew that I could never escape that because I am from the core north and you not being married is like the biggest taboo that can ever happen to you .

So i decided for myself that if I was even going to get married, it would be to someone that had ample options because my plan is to just get married so that I don’t get attacked by family and friends .

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