I mistakenly Slept With My Father’s Brother and I Enjoyed It!!- Anonymous Lady confesses.
Please keep me anonymous .
I have been feeling some type of way ever since this thing happened but I don’t know if I would say that I really regret it in any way.
So, one faithful Saturday, I was at my uncle ‘s place and I invited my boyfriend over . I did so because everyone knows my boyfriend and they all know that we both plan on getting married .
We were supposed to go out on a date with my boyfriend that day but I was not feeling like going out so I just told him to get the food for me instead.
He went out to get the food and me , unknowingly, I thought he came back later on because it was in the evening and there was no light and also I was drinking , so I was a bit tipsy .
I did not know when I fully went ahead and slept with my uncle!! And he did not try to stop it in any way . I really enjoyed it and even after everything happened we just went back to being normal but I won’t say that I regret it in any way .
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