True Life Story

How I forcefully made my sister sleep with My Husband – Woman shares her story

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I come from a very well known background and because of that , I was expected to get married to a very rich man , Infact my parents planned my whole marriage and even my whole life too.

They dictated everything that I was going to do , they decided who I hung around with as in the type of friends that I keep , the school I would go to , the church that I would visit , the clothes I would wear and now ultimately who I married .

My parents knew fully well that my sister liked my current husband and they were secretly dating but they overlooked that fact and got me married to him instead . This really pissed me off because I hated this man and now they were forcing me to get married to him .

So I came up with a plan to make her sleep with him and then get my parents to know about this and even the world so that I can finally be free from this bondage called marriage .

I persuaded my sister to sleep with him and it took a lot of convincing from my end to make her do that , and my husband willingly agreed to this not knowing that we planned it with my sister . Now my parents k ow about this but they still insist that I remain married to him . I do not know what to do .


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