Pls Help Me I Think My 6 year old Son Is a Gay – Nigerian Lady Shares
Relationship expert and adviser, Joro olumofin has shared an email he received from a depressed lady who is concerned about her son.
The woman stated that her 6-year-old son might be gay as he make use of her make up kit. The woman also stated that her husband believe that beating or taking him to church for deliverance is the best option but she is yet to allow that.
She further stated that her son asked other male kids to show him their pee pee and he has been caught in school touching male students.
Read her story below;
“Joro. Sorry to interfere in your weekend. I think my 6 year old son is gay. I love him with all my heart but I don’t know the right thing to do. My husband believe beating him is the best option or taking him to church for deliverance. I have not allowed that. My husband doesn’t like him very much. He favours his little brother more than him. My son applies my makeup, applies lipstick. He asks other male kids to show him there pee pee. A teacher has caught him a few times touching male students. What do I do please? We live in Nigeria. This is frowned upon. My husband is saying he is cursed. That the curse is from my family side. I have tried and tried. I still love him no matter what. He doesn’t like voltron toys or avengers. He prefers pink and barbies. Do I give in to my husbands way or do I send my son to live with my sister in Canada?.”
U are one of a kind mom
Pls ma just send him over there if u think�� that is the betterment for him because his father can kill him, bcus his a Nigeria man nd the way Nigerian think is bad
That's harsh na. Nigerian men cant be that bad.
What could she had done differently….. Na to carry am for prayer na.
Pls send him at of the country to meet your sister in Canada I think that's the best thing to do for your son
What if the sister has a son…… #Winks
Pls there is nothing wrong with your son,he is not possessed and neither is he cursed. Pls take the boy to Canada because if your husband doesn't kill him,other people will.
Pls there is nothing wrong with your son,he is not possessed and neither is he cursed. Pls take the boy to Canada because if your husband doesn't kill him,other people will.
Na you wan kill am ? na wa
You such a kind and understanding mother. Your son is still very young , being six years of age. Therefore, I suggest you take him to a deliverance centre because everything God hates is manipulated by the devil and evil spirits are easily casted out in young children than in adults. The earlier the better or rather send him to your sister abroad where everyone's mental orientations are accepted.
Your Brain is Ripe and Large…… Kudos