Mistakes Several Men make on First Date – Revealed

  • If you keep the date short, there are more chances that she will want to come back for the second time.
  • Make her talk 60 to 80 percent of the time.
  • Women really start hating the guys who brag.

Studies show that a typical woman on a dating adventure goes in an average of 24 first dates before deciding to meet a guy for the second time. Hence you cannot expect to be lucky the very first time you meet a girl of your dream. Survival of the fittest is how the society works and dating is not an exception to this. Here are some dating mistakes you must avoid to increase your success rate:

Too long date
When you are really enjoying your time with a woman, it can be really difficult to cut short a date. Nevertheless this is something very important for you. If you keep the date short, there are more chances that she will want to come back for the second time. The objective of the first date must be to get to know the girl to some extent, have some fun and move towards the second date. Think ahead of the present moment. Irrespective of how it is going, keep the first date for not more than 45 minutes to one hour.

Dinner or movie date
Taking her for a dinner or movie on the first date is not a good idea. Most people date in this way and hence it is not an original idea. You must impress her by putting some creativity into the way you date. Going for a movie or dinner can make the date too long. Also, you might not be able to talk to the girl for enough time during a movie. Sitting in the dark silence next to her for about two hours is never a way to make her laugh and talk, which is necessary for a successful date.

Talking more than what is necessary
It is advisable to let her talk more. There is no point in convincing her to like you by talking a lot about yourself. Rather, make her talk about herself. Ask her some open ended questions to light up the situation and engage her with the conversation sharing more about herself. Never throw some ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions that will minimize the chances for a reasonable interaction. If it is appropriate and possible, share some related anecdotes from your own life. The point is to make her talk 60 to 80 percent of the time.

Women really start hating the guys who brag. Studies show that women feel insecure while listening to bragging. Though you might have a great car, wonderful house or an incredible job, never tell too much about all of them to her. Rather than talking about it, you must gradually make her wonder how awesome you are through your approach, attitude and behavior.

Getting serious during the first date
Even if you feel she likes you right away, it is not advisable to get too serious at once during the first date. Never open up some serious, negative or heavy subjects with her. It is not good to dump all your problems and sense of insecurity on her. It is also not advisable to gift her some flowers or gift during the very first date.


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